Getting Ready To Move? Your Week By Week Checklist, One Month Out

Your moving date is fast approaching – it’s time to make a to-do list. Keep your list organized week by week as it gets closer to your moving day. 

There are a few reasons why this checklist approach works. You’ll feel accomplished as you check things off, encouraging you to keep going. With everything written down, it’s easier for family members to pitch in and help. And, you’re less likely to become overwhelmed when you see everything broken down in small chunks. 

Let’s dig into a to-do list as you get ready to move, starting a month out from your first day in your new home.

Four Weeks Out

Get your boxes and packing supplies. Use this time to sell or donate items you don’t need. Start with packing the things you don’t frequently use like china and seasonal items.

Contact the utility companies at both your old and new locations. You’ll need to cancel your current utilities and set up with new companies at your new address. Don’t wait until the last minute to do this. The last thing you want is to find yourself in your new home without water or electricity.

Make sure you back up your computer and other electronic devices. Accidents can happen while moving, and you don’t want a broken laptop to cause you to lose all of your files during a move.

Three Weeks Out

Start clearing out your freezer. Thaw and use meats and other items that you don’t want to move to your new home.

Set up mail forwarding with the post office. You’ll be able to have your mail forwarded to your new address for free.

Get your vehicle tuned-up. Visit the mechanic for an oil change, a brake check, and air pressure check for your tires. Do anything else that your car needs before traveling to your new home.

Two Weeks Out

Clear out any local storage – this includes dry cleaning and safe deposit boxes at the bank.

Confirm your time off with your employer. Let them know if you think you may need to leave your job sooner than you anticipated.

Take some time to shampoo your rugs. This way, they’ll arrive at your new home clean and ready to be used.

One Week Out

Pack your overnight bag with at least a week’s worth of supplies. Include a few changes of clothes, medicines, and other toiletries.

Get refills on any prescription medications for you, your family members, and your pets.

Reach out to your moving company to confirm those arrangements. Make sure you know the date and time they’re coming.

Moving Day

Make sure you have space cleared on the street for the moving truck to park. And make sure all walkways are cleared of obstructions — including as well as snow or ice.

Ask a friend or family member to do a walk-through of your home. They may spot something you forgot to pack or might have an idea you haven’t thought about. A fresh set of eyes is helpful before you leave your old home.

Making the Move

Keeping things organized in chronological order of when they need to be done will help you make sure nothing slips through the cracks. Remember, even when it seems tough, everything will eventually get done. 

Do you need help with your move? Contact us for a free quote today.