Tips for Safely Packing Delicate Items When Moving

Moving can be intimidating, especially when it comes to ensuring your fragile items make it to your new home in one piece. With the proper packing techniques and materials, you can protect your delicate belongings from damage during transit. Here are five essential tips to help you pack fragile items for a household move.

1. Gather the Right Packing Materials

Using the appropriate packing materials is the first step to ensuring your fragile items are well-protected. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Sturdy Boxes: Opt for double-walled boxes for extra protection.
  • Packing Paper: Use unprinted packing paper to wrap delicate items.
  • Bubble Wrap: Ideal for cushioning breakables and providing additional protection.
  • Packing Peanuts: Fill empty spaces to prevent shifting.
  • Dish Packs: Specially designed boxes with dividers for packing glassware and dishes.
  • Tape and Labels: Secure boxes with strong packing tape and label them clearly.

2. Use Proper Packing Techniques

How you pack your fragile items can make all the difference in keeping them safe. Follow these techniques:

  • Wrap Each Item Individually: Use packing paper or bubble wrap to wrap each item separately. This prevents items from rubbing against each other and reduces the risk of breakage.
  • Layer the Bottom of the Box: Line the bottom of the moving carton with crumpled packing paper or bubble wrap to add a cushioning layer before placing items inside.
  • Pack Heavy Items First: Place heavier things at the bottom and lighter, more fragile ones on top. This helps to prevent the heavier items from crushing the lighter ones.

3. Pack Dishes and Glassware Carefully

Glassware and dishes are among the most delicate things you must pack. Here’s how to handle them:

  • Use Dish Packs: If you have a lot of dishes and glassware, consider using dish packs with dividers. These are specially designed to keep each item separate and secure. Check with your mover for these specialty cartons.
  • Wrap Plates Individually: Place a sheet of packing paper on a flat surface, set a plate in the center, and fold the corners of the paper over the plate. Repeat this process by stacking plates with a layer of packing paper between each one.
  • Pack Glasses and Stemware Upright: Wrap glasses and stemware in bubble wrap or packing paper, and cushion the stems well. Pack them upright in the box to prevent pressure on the stems.

4. Fill Empty Spaces

Empty spaces in boxes can cause items to shift during transit, leading to potential damage. Prevent this by filling gaps:

  • Use Packing Peanuts: Pour packing peanuts around and between items to fill empty spaces and provide cushioning.
  • Crushed Paper: Crumple packing paper and stuff it into gaps. This is especially useful for smaller spaces where packing peanuts might not fit.
  • Soft Items: For added protection, you can use soft items like towels or clothing to fill gaps and provide extra padding.

5. Label and Handle with Care

Ensure your fragile items receive the care they need by properly labeling and handling them.

  • Label Boxes Clearly: Mark boxes containing fragile items with “FRAGILE” and “HANDLE WITH CARE” on all sides. Use large, bold letters to ensure the labels are easily visible.
  • Indicate Upright Position: If the box contains items that need to stay upright, mark it with “THIS SIDE UP” and draw arrows pointing to the top.
  • Communicate with Movers: Whether using professional movers or enlisting friends to help, make sure they know which boxes contain fragile items and need special care.

6. Consider Professional Packing Services

If you’re pressed for time or prefer the assurance of professional care, consider having the mover pack your fragile items. Often, the cost is more reasonable than many people assume.

Taking Care With Your Move

Packing fragile items for a household move requires extra attention and suitable materials, but with these tips, you can help ensure your delicate belongings arrive at your new home safely. Gathering the proper packing supplies, using effective packing techniques, and clearly labeling your boxes will minimize the risk of damage and make your move less stressful.

Let us help handle all your belongings. We can pack your fragile items efficiently and move you in no time. Contact us today.

Transitioning Your Home Office When Relocating

Relocating your entire household can be daunting, not to mention the added complexity of moving your personal home office. As challenging as it might seem, you can set up your new office with the right approach to enhance productivity and comfort. Below are some strategic tips to help you smoothly transition your work-from-home setup during your residential move.

1. Start With a Clean Slate

Before packing, take the opportunity to declutter your current office space. Get rid of papers you don’t need, donate old supplies, and digitize essential documents. This process will lighten your load and give you a fresh start in your new workspace.

2. Plan Your New Space

Before setting foot in your new home, assess the potential office spaces. Consider factors like natural light, proximity to household activities, and noise levels. Choose a room or corner that offers the best environment for focus and productivity, preferably with ample natural light.

3. Pack Smart

Efficiently packing your home office is crucial. Label all boxes clearly and consider color-coding or numbering systems to keep track of everything. Pack essential items—such as chargers, important documents, and your computer—in a separate, easily accessible box for immediate setup upon arrival.

4. Enhance Your Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in your productivity and well-being. Once you have chosen your new office space, position your desk to take full advantage of natural light from windows. Invest in good-quality task and ambient lighting to create a balanced, well-lit workspace.

5. Block Out Distractions

The new environment might come with its own set of distractions. Equip yourself with noise-canceling headphones or a white noise machine to maintain focus. If your new office space has a door, make it a practice to close it during work hours, signaling to others in the household that you are in work mode.

6. Ergonomics Are Key

Your new home office should prioritize comfort to minimize physical strain. Ensure your desk and chair are ergonomically sound. Your chair should support your lower back, and your computer monitor should be at eye level, about an arm’s length away. Consider investing in ergonomic accessories like a keyboard tray or footrest if needed.

7. Personalize Your Space

Personal touches can make your new office feel more welcoming and inspiring. Decorate with items that motivate and comfort you. A splash of color, inspirational quotes, or personal photos can make a significant difference. Don’t hesitate to invest in elements like a cozy rug or greenery to enhance the ambiance.

8. Test Your Tech

Before you start working, ensure all your technology is set up and functioning correctly. Check your internet connection, test your computer and peripherals, and ensure all essential software is installed and updated. This can save you from unnecessary hiccups when working in your new space.

Moving your home office may seem monumental, but with careful planning and execution, you can create a workspace that meets and exceeds your expectations. Whether moving across town or to a new city, thoughtfully setting up your home office can make your transition smoother and set you up for success. We can help. Contact us for a free moving quote.

Efficient Packing for Your Household Move

Packing efficiently for a household move can significantly reduce stress and make the transition smoother. Here are some tips and strategies to help you pack effectively and ensure your belongings arrive safely at your new home.

1. Start Early

It is always a good idea to start packing well before your move date. Getting a head start on packing ensures you can take your time and relax without any last-minute rush or anxiety. Begin with items you use infrequently, such as seasonal decorations, books, and out-of-season clothing.

2. Gather Supplies

Ensure you have a variety of packing supplies before you begin:

  • Sturdy boxes in various sizes
  • Packing tape
  • Bubble wrap
  • Packing paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Labels

3. Declutter Before Packing

Take this opportunity to declutter your home. Sort your belongings into categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard. Reducing the number of items you must pack will save time, effort, and space.

4. Pack Room by Room

Packing room by room helps keep things organized and makes unpacking easier. Label each box with the room to which it belongs in your new home and its contents. 

5. Use the Right Box for the Right Item

  • Heavy Items in Small Cartons: Pack heavy items like books and kitchen appliances in small boxes to make them easier to carry.
  • Light Items in Large Cartons: Use large boxes for lighter items like pillows, blankets, and clothing.
  • Specialty Boxes: Use wardrobe boxes for clothing on hangers and dish packs for fragile kitchenware.

6. Protect Fragile Items

Individually wrap fragile items in packing paper or bubble wrap. Place them in adequately cushioned sturdy boxes to prevent them from shifting during transit. Label these boxes as “Fragile” so movers handle them with care.

7. Pack Strategically

  • Fill Gaps: Use packing paper, towels, or clothing to fill space in the cartons to prevent items from shifting.
  • Distribute Weight Evenly: Avoid making boxes too heavy. Distribute the weight evenly by putting heavier items in first, followed by the lighter ones.
  • Seal and Label: Securely tape each box and clearly label it so the boxes end up in the appropriate rooms at your new house.

8. Pack an Essentials Kit 

Pack a box of essentials you will require immediately upon arriving at your new residence. This box should include:

  • Toiletries
  • A change of clothes
  • Medications
  • Important documents
  • Basic kitchen supplies (like a coffee maker, mugs, and snacks)
  • Chargers for electronic devices

9. Take Inventory

Compile an inventory of all the boxes as you pack them. Number each box and note its contents. This will assist you in maintaining a record of your possessions and guarantee that nothing is misplaced during the relocation.

10. Stay Organized

Keep your packing organized by setting small daily goals. Focus on packing one room at a time and take breaks to avoid burnout. Stay committed to your packing schedule to ensure everything is ready by moving day.

11. Hire Professionals

If you’re short on time or find packing and moving overwhelming, hire professional movers. They have the expertise and materials to pack your belongings efficiently and securely. 

We can help with everything from packing to moving to unpacking. We can make your move stress-free. Contact us now for a free quote. 

Creating a To-Do Checklist for Your Household Moving Timeline

A successful household move requires careful planning and organization. Here’s a streamlined guide to help you prepare for your move effectively.

8 Weeks Before the Move: Planning Stage

  1. Start a “moving binder” or digital file to keep all moving-related documents and receipts in one place.
  2. Research moving companies and get quotes from at least three reputable movers; check their reviews and credentials.
  3. Establish a moving budget that includes all potential expenses, such as packing materials, mover fees, travel costs, and any new furniture or appliances.
  4. Sort through and eliminate unnecessary belongings to minimize what you need to move.
  5. Inform schools and employers about the move.

6 Weeks Before the Move: Organizing Stage

  1. Book your moving company and confirm your relocation date.
  2. Collect boxes, packing tape, and other supplies.
  3. Make a detailed inventory of your belongings, noting any valuable or fragile items needing special attention.
  4. Submit a change of address form with the postal service.
  5. Contact utility companies to schedule disconnection and reconnection dates for electricity, water, gas, internet, and cable services.

4 Weeks Before the Move: Packing Stage

  1. Begin packing your non-essential items.
  2. Clearly label the boxes with content and destination room.
  3. Inform doctors and transfer medical records.
  4. Make arrangements for transporting pets and plants, checking regulations if you’re moving across state lines.
  5. Check insurance coverage for the move.

2 Weeks Before the Move: Final Preparations

  1. Reconfirm the moving details with your moving company.
  2. Prepare a box with things you will need immediately, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, medications, important documents, and basic kitchen supplies. Label it an “essentials box.”
  3. Complete the packing and disassemble your furniture if needed.
  4. Deep clean and make repairs to your current home, especially if you’re leaving a rental property.
  5. Finalize your travel arrangements, whether driving or flying, and ensure you have accommodations if needed.

Moving Week: Execution Stage

  1. Ensure you have set up utilities appropriately in your new home.
  2. Pack a moving day kit that includes snacks, water, important documents, chargers, and any other items you might need on moving day.
  3. Complete a final walkthrough of your current home.
  4. Complete all packing before your movers arrive.

Moving Day: The Big Day

  1. Be present when the movers arrive, and provide special instructions for handling your belongings.
  2. Check your old home one last time.
  3. Be available at your new home when the movers arrive so you can answer their questions.
  4. Check your inventory list for completeness and damage.

Post-Move: Settling In

  1. Confirm utilities are functioning.
  2. Start unpacking essential items.
  3. Explore your new neighborhood and familiarize yourself with your new community.
  4. Ensure your new address is updated with all necessary organizations, including the DMV, voter registration, and other remaining subscriptions or services.

Moving Help

Following this moving timeline and checklist, you can ensure your relocation goes smoothly and is less stressful. Prepping and planning are essential for a successful move, allowing you to settle into your new home efficiently. We are experienced experts in household relocations. Contact us for a free quote

Tips for Updating Your Address Before Your Move

Relocating can be an exciting and intimidating process with many details to coordinate. One crucial aspect of relocating is ensuring that your address is updated with relevant parties and institutions to avoid any disruptions to your mail and services. Here are some tips to help you smoothly navigate the process of changing your address before your residential move.

1. Plan Ahead

Start the process of changing your address well in advance of your move. Aim to update your address at least two weeks before your relocation date to ensure that you notify all necessary parties promptly.

2. Make a List of Contacts

Create a comprehensive list of individuals, organizations, and institutions that you must inform of your address change. This may include:

  • Utility companies (electricity, water, gas, internet)
  • Financial institutions (banks, credit card companies, investment accounts)
  • Government agencies (DMV, IRS, Social Security Administration)
  • Subscription services (magazines, newspapers, streaming platforms)
  • Healthcare providers (doctors, dentists, insurance companies)

3. Update Your Address Online

Many companies and organizations offer online portals or forms that let you change your address quickly and conveniently. Visit the websites of your service providers and follow their instructions for changing your address. This method is often the fastest and most efficient way to ensure that your information is updated.

4. Submit a Change of Address Form

The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides a Change of Address (COA) service that forwards your mail to your new address for a specified period. You can submit a COA form online at the USPS website or contact your local post office to complete a paper form. Be sure to provide accurate information to avoid any mail forwarding errors.

5. Notify Important Contacts Personally

While updating your address online and through official forms is essential, remember to inform important contacts of your upcoming move personally. This may include family members, friends, employers, and others you regularly correspond with. Send a brief email or text message with your new address to ensure they have the correct information on file.

6. Set Up Mail Forwarding

In addition to submitting a Change of Address form, set up mail forwarding with the USPS to ensure that any mail sent to your previous address is redirected to your new one. Mail forwarding provides a temporary solution while you update your address with all vital parties and ensures you don’t miss any critical correspondence during the transition period.

7. Double-Check Your Information

Before completing your move, double-check that you have updated your address with all necessary parties and that your information is accurate. Review your contacts list and confirm that you have notified each one about your address change. This extra step can help prevent any potential issues or missed notifications.

8. Follow Up After Your Move

Once you have settled into your new home, take the time to follow up with any organizations or individuals that may still have your old address on file. Confirm that your address has been updated in their records to ensure that you continue to receive important correspondence without interruption.

By following these guidelines and staying organized throughout the process, you can effectively change your address before your move and minimize any disruptions to your mail and services. Planning and being proactive will help ensure a smooth transition to your new home. Contact us for help with your relocation.

Strategies for Managing Pre-Move Stress

Moving to a new home can be an unforgettable yet stressful time. The relocation process involves many tasks you must complete within a short period. It may also result in a combination of joy, excitement, and melancholy. To help you deal with the stress before a household move, here are some valuable strategies to consider.

1. Adopt a Positive Attitude

Focus on the positive aspects of your move, such as the opportunity to meet new people, explore a new neighborhood, or live in your dream home. Remind yourself that the stress you are experiencing is temporary, whereas the benefits of your new living situation will be long-lasting. Maintain a positive attitude throughout the relocation process to help keep stress at bay.

2. Plan and Organize

Start planning and organizing for your move as early as possible. Break down the major tasks into smaller, manageable steps and create a checklist to track your progress. Some essential items to incorporate into your moving checklist are:

  • Creating a budget and financial plan for the move
  • Researching and hiring a reputable professional mover
  • Collecting necessary packing materials
  • Sorting and decluttering belongings
  • Packing your possessions
  • Arranging to transfer your utility services to your new home

3. Create an Essentials Box

Pack a carton with essential items you will need immediately upon arriving at your new home. Include important documents, basic kitchenware, a set of sheets and towels, a change of clothes, toilet paper, soap, paper towels, chargers, snacks, and personal items. Label this box “essentials” and keep it easily accessible, either in your car or as the last item loaded onto the moving truck. This readily available box will give you peace of mind, knowing you will have the essentials at your fingertips upon arrival. 

4. Monitor Kid’s Stress

Children may experience anxiety and stress during a move, which can also impact their well-being. Help alleviate your child’s concerns by:

  • Introducing them to the new home and neighborhood through pre-move visits
  • Providing extra attention and reassurance
  • Maintaining familiar routines during and after the move
  • Allowing them to bring comfort items from their old home

5. Prioritize Self-Care

Amidst the chaos of moving, remember to prioritize self-care. Schedule regular breaks for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as walking, watching a movie, practicing yoga, or indulging in a soothing bath. Taking care of your well-being is essential for managing stress effectively.

6. Make Time for Loved Ones

Prioritize enjoying quality time with friends, family, and neighbors in your current community before the move. Create lasting memories and give yourself and your loved ones closure by organizing farewell gatherings. Consider exchanging meaningful tokens or planning future reunions to maintain connections with your social circle.

7. Seek Assistance

Don’t hesitate to seek assistance during the moving process. Consider hosting a packing party with friends to make the task more enjoyable. Alternatively, inquire about professional packing services from your moving company to alleviate the burden of packing on your own. Delegate tasks and share the load to minimize stress and make the moving experience more manageable.

Relocate With Confidence

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively reduce stress levels and better prepare yourself for a smooth and successful move to your new home. Remember to stay positive, stay organized, and prioritize self-care throughout the moving process. Contact us today for a free quote.

10 Essential Moving Hacks

A residential move can be complex, with numerous potential challenges that may arise. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to make your move a better experience overall. These hacks make moving a more positive experience and help improve your relocation.

1. Finish the Food

Food can take up a lot of space in moving boxes and be heavy to lift (especially cans!). As soon as you’ve realized that you’ll be relocating, make a plan to start eating down the food in your pantry. First, discard expired things, and then plan to eat food items close to expiring so that everything you bring to your new home will be fresh.

2. Buy Color Coded Moving Labels

Use color-coded, pre-printed stickers to indicate where boxes are supposed to go in your new home. Buy “fragile” stickers, too. Keep markers on hand to label what’s inside the box.

3. Make Reassembling Furniture Easier

Reassembling furniture after taking it apart can be a significant pain. Make videos of yourself taking apart your furniture so you can see how to put the furniture back together. Put the hardware, like screws and bolts, in a sandwich bag, then tape it to the furniture.

4. Leave Clothes on Hangers

You can waste much time taking clothes off the hangers before packing them in a box. Leave your clothes on hangers. Pull the clothes out of your closet and fold them together, then put them in a bag before placing them in a box.

5. Schedule Utilities Transfer

Ensure a seamless transition by scheduling the transfer of utilities well in advance. Coordinate with service providers to set up electricity, water, internet, and other essential services before you move in.

6. Use Mirror and Art Boxes

Explicitly designed mirrors and art boxes can hold items of unusual dimensions, such as paintings and mirrors. Measure your paintings and mirrors, then purchase mirror and art boxes that fit.

7. Create an Essentials Box

Pack a separate box containing essential items such as toiletries, medications, snacks, and important documents. Keep this box accessible to ensure you have everything you need during the transition period.

8. Make a Plan for Kids and Pets

Make a plan to do something with your kids and pets on moving day. Having somewhere to send them where they can play and enjoy themselves without getting in the way will make your moving day more manageable and keep them safe.

9. Defrost the Freezer

Remember to defrost your freezer a couple of days before you move. Give away your frozen items unless you plan to bring them to your next home.

10. Keep the Computer Out of the Moving Truck

Moving trucks can get hot, so keep your computer and sensitive electronics out of the moving truck. Pack these items in your car and unload them as soon as you get to your new house.

Find the Right Moving Company

The best way to make your move successful is to find a moving company you can trust. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and talk about your upcoming relocation.

How to Declutter Your Basement and Attic Before a Move

Packing before a big household move feels overwhelming to most people. To simplify the process, start in the least-used areas where clutter tends to accumulate. Areas such as your basement and attic are great places to start. Here are top tips for decluttering these spaces before your move.

1. Ask Yourself These Questions

Unlike other areas of the home, you might not want to go by the “used in the last year” rule because you might find there are family treasures you want to keep but don’t necessarily use. To help decide, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have more than one of these items?
  • Will this item simply be collecting dust in my new home?
  • Where in the new house will this item go?
  • Is the item in good working condition?
  • Does the item need repair?
  • How sentimental is this item?

If your answer to these questions determines any items aren’t something you need or even use, make a plan to eliminate them.

2. Set Up Areas to Place Items

Plan to sort out possessions by creating piles while going through your basement and attic spaces.

  • Keep
  • Recycle
  • Toss
  • Donate
  • Sell

Knowing where items will go will streamline your packing process and, in some cases, put some money back into your pocket.

Pro tip: Pack the “must keep” items as you sort to save time. Just be sure they’re items you genuinely need.

3. Be Mindful of Paperwork

You may have boxes and bins filled with old paperwork in your attic and basement. Be sure to carefully review these before throwing them out or recycling them because they may have personal information. Shred any documents containing sensitive information. 

Pro tip: Avoid accidentally mishandling essential documents, such as birth and marriage certificates, old family documents, and photos. Safeguard these in a box and clearly label them.

4. Factor in Your New Surroundings

When deciding what to keep, think about where you’re moving to. If you’re moving to warmer climates, you probably don’t need to keep the heavy winter gear, snow blowers, and sleds.

5. Make Donation Pickup Arrangements

If you have large items or too many bags/boxes to transport yourself, arrange a donation pickup. Many companies will come to you to transport usable items at no cost.

  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Goodwill
  • The Salvation Army
  • AMVETS National Service Foundation
  • Greendrop

These are only a handful of organizations that will pick up household items. Check with any charity you’re interested in, and then ask about the types of items they’ll take and how to arrange a pickup.

6. Hire a Junk Removal Company

If you’re not going to move a large portion of your basement and attic, you might consider hiring a junk removal company. This will save you time, and you won’t have to worry about how to get these things out of your home. Many will dispose of trash and donate usable items to charity for you.

Ready to Plan Your Move?

Going through the attic and basement can be an arduous process as you’re trying to plan your move. To help reduce your stress on moving day, contact our professional moving experts today to learn more about our services and get a free quote.

Moving for a New Job? Tips to Make It Easier

Moving for a new job can be thrilling and scary. If you’re taking on a new job and home all at once, making the relocation more manageable and less stressful can help you maintain your calm. These tips will ensure a successful relocation while keeping you calm and organized.

1. Give Yourself Plenty of Time for Relocation

It’s tempting to say you can start the job ASAP. Still, you’re going to need time for your relocation. Your relocation is likely to take up even more of your time and energy than you expect.

Create a timeline for packing, finding a new home, and moving from here to there. For many people, packing and moving takes at least two months.

Once you’ve made a timeline, give yourself at least an extra week or more before starting your new job. If you must start your job sooner than that, plan to work with a full-service moving company to get through your packing and unpacking process as quickly as possible.

2. Keep All the Job Info In One Place

It’s easy to lose track of your essential papers while in the middle of a relocation. As you gather information about your upcoming job, like your offer letter, start date, and benefits information, start a binder and keep all that information in one place. Don’t pack it. Doing this will help you be more organized when you show up for your first day on the job.

Consider digitizing this paperwork so that even if you lose the binder of information during the relocation, you’ll still know where to find the digital files.

3. Find Out About Moving Benefits

Some workplaces offer moving benefits. For example, your new employer may pay a percentage of your relocation expenses or hire movers. Ask about moving benefits when you accept the new job. If your employer offers relocation benefits, get the details as quickly as possible so that you can jump-start your relocation.

4. Take Time For Yourself

During all this work to start your new job and move out of your old home, you’ll have little time for relaxation and peace. Take time for yourself periodically to manage the stress of your upcoming relocation.

Try meditation, watching movies, taking naps, or going for walks. Taking time for yourself can help you throughout the relocation process and can help you feel less frazzled when it’s time to start your new job.

Find the Right Moving Company

Finding the right company to help you with your upcoming relocation is essential. Having the right partner at this busy time can make your experience more positive. You’ll also free up time for yourself if you work with a full-service moving company. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to get your upcoming relocation scheduled.

Get to Know Your New Neighborhood FAST!

A significant component of feeling comfortable in your new home revolves around getting to know your neighborhood. Aside from knowing where to get groceries or go in case of an emergency, you also need to quickly find your favorite spots and discover restaurants or activity centers to meet friends. Luckily, expediting the learning process is easy, allowing you to know your neighborhood quickly.

Visit the Library and Community Center

New events and activities are constantly running at local libraries and community centers. Find out about neighborhood happenings, whether an art class or a local competition. While libraries are perfect for people of all ages, those with young children will appreciate the available activities catered to youngsters.

Talk to Your Neighbors

Get out into your neighborhood and start talking to your neighbors. Introduce yourself or invite people to your home to share a quick bite to eat or grab a drink. Knowing your neighbors gives you a sense of belonging and can be an incredible information resource. Ask your neighbors about clubs or activities they’re involved with, or find out where their favorite restaurant or coffee shop is.


One fulfilling way to meet new people after moving is through volunteering. When you volunteer, you can help a cause that matters to you and meet people who care about the same things you do. Sharing this experience can help people become close friends. For instance, you could volunteer at an animal shelter, give money to programs for kids and teens, or work on projects to improve your community. These activities give you regular chances to interact with a group, which helps you get to know them better. Also, volunteering can help you feel like you belong in your new community, making the move easier and more fun. Pick a cause that matters to you. This will make your volunteering more meaningful and help you make more friends.

Join a Club or Organization

If you have a particular sport or hobby, consider searching for a local club to meet neighbors with similar interests. Many communities have adult sports, like softball teams, that are a great way to meet people. Do a quick search on social media for hobbies in your new city. Chances are, there will be a local club with regular meet-ups, allowing you to meet new friends.

Visit Local Shops and Restaurants

Instead of visiting known chain restaurants and stores, branch out and hit the local spots. You’ll get to mix up your everyday routine and help support your local community. Plus, there’s always a chance you’ll run into neighbors and familiar faces while you’re out and about. Visiting local shops and restaurants is the perfect way to understand a new neighborhood’s heart and soul.

Follow Local News

While national news networks are undoubtedly appealing, watch the local news a few nights during the week. You’ll learn about exciting new openings, local events, and coming attractions. The local news is the perfect way to stay connected and updated on the latest happenings throughout your community. If you don’t have time to dedicate a half-hour of television coverage at night, consider following your local news station on social media. News agencies almost always also post their top stories online.

Welcome Home

Help your family relax in their new surroundings by getting to know your neighborhood quickly. Find your new favorite hangout spot, or join a team to make new friends. Ease your mind and relax sooner by hiring experienced professional movers. Our professional team is happy to get you into your new home quickly, safely, and effectively. Contact us today for a quote on your next move.