Packing 101: The Five Golden Rules of Proper Box Packing

You’ve got your collection of boxes and packing supplies, and now it’s time to tackle the monumental task ahead of you: packing up your small belongings for the move. To save time, protect your belongings, and make unpacking more manageable than ever, there are five golden rules for packing a box to keep in mind as you work. 

1. Place Heavier Items on the Bottom

Warehouse workers are trained to always pack heavier items at the bottom of their boxes and keep fragile items at the top. Follow this same golden rule when packing for a household move. Anything heavy should go on the bottom to give the box stability and prevent damage to anything lighter in weight and more fragile. So, using a random collection of home office items as an example, your box-packing order may look something like this: 

  1. Books and paperweights on bottom 
  2. Pencil holders in the middle 
  3. Picture frames on top 

2. Keep the Weight of the Box in Check

The general rule is to keep any packed box at 50 pounds or less. But, also keep in mind that all boxes can have their own weight limits. For example, you may be perfectly comfortable moving a 50-pound box, but a smaller carton may have a lower weight limit than that. If possible, keep your bathroom scale handy while you pack so you can keep weight limits in check to protect yourself from injury and protect your boxes from accidental damage. 

3. Wrap Anything Fragile

You should wrap any items prone to breakage in transit before putting them into a box. Most people remember to wrap up the most fragile things during a move—glass, for example. However, many other items are prone to breakages, such as items with many parts, things made of thin wood, and items with delicate features. 

4. Fill Dead Spaces in the Box

Dead space within a box is any space that is left unfilled. Space is bad because it leaves room for the items within the box to shift and move, leading to damage. Therefore, you want to keep gaps in the box to a minimum while you pack. For example, if you are packing glass figurines, wrap those figurines and then use a filler material or even towels and t-shirts to fill the dead spaces and keep the items from shifting. 

5. Pack Items From the Same Room

This golden rule is more about saving you time and making things easy on you when you unpack. By packing items from the same room together in the same box, you can make more progress while you pack. You can clear a room a lot faster so you can move to the next space. Likewise, when you start unpacking, you can work in one designated area to empty the box. 

Enlist the Help of Residential Movers 

Even well-packed boxes can be a lot to contend with on your own when you face a move. But, bringing professionals in to get your belongings on a truck and relocated to the new place can make all the difference. Ready to get a free moving quote? Contact us today to get started.